Simulation Model

The stability of the underlying grid and the reduction of expansion costs are key motivations behind the development of local energy markets. Subsequently, the impact of the market proposed in BC2E on these factors is an essetial part of the project and one of the main research questions. To evaluate it, the transactions approved on the blockchain-based market are simulated using a grid model built by Dr. Shadab Murshid of NTU who also kindly provided the imagery. The work is conducted using an RT-Lab machine in the laboratory of the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at NTU.


The simulation model comprising of 10 prosumers with different assets and the utility grid is developed using MATLAB/Simulink and is shown below.



After each market period, the resulting electricity flows can be simulated, reflecting the real conditions and physical restrictions of the grid. Once fed with data from the final market scenarios, the simulation will provide valuable information regarding the feasibility of the chosen market design as well as necessary adaptations


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